After 5 days I finally got my 5 minute call from Jenna. It was Friday night about 9:15ish. Sam and I were already down in Spartanburg. We went down so we could be at the college early Saturday morning. We were on our way back from dinner. And my phone rang the Air Force song. The up beat in her voice was golden. She said she had a great week and her squadron #2 had been in lead all week long. She was working with a great guy and they had accomplished everything top notch and had the rabbit to prove it. A stuff rabbit is awarded to the top squadron each day and the 2 of them had the rabbit everyday. She then told me the parade would start at 9:15 and to be there early. We said we are 3 minutes away and we would be there.
Sam and I got to Converse College a hour early. Laid out a bunch of blankets so the rest of our Corp. family could sit with us. The weather was a little muggy but the cool breezy was
a great welcome. The 1st part of the morning was a parade. All cadets march on the field with their flight, squad, and group. It is a traditional parade were the colors and the cadets are inspected.
After the parade we all went into the auditorium for the awards part of the presentation. They award ribbons and trophies to the top flight, basic, group, and squad. It is an amazing ceremony to honor the 323 cadets that graduate from the camp and acknowledge the best. There are 22 schools represented from 3 different states. This is the only week the Air Force camp is done which means it is an honor to be elected to go. During the ceremony Jenna received the outstanding squadron leader eagle.
Our Corp. was very well represented at the awards ceremony as well. Jenna and a friend of hers help train to get 6 basic cadet and 2 cadre cadets ready for this camp. Our cadets received high honors yesterday. One cadet was in the outstanding flight, one cadet was in the top 10 % of the class, one cadet got outstanding basic in his flight as well as top basic male in the camp, and another received outstanding cadre. It really shows great leadership on how Jenna and Cooper trained the cadets by how well they succeed. Sometimes leadership is really shown by how your really treat people.
After the cadets were released some of our cadets and their families joined us for lunch. We ate at a diner called Wade's. It is a place of home cooking southern food. It was great to see the cadets talk to their families, laugh with their friends, and the peanut butter pie was amazing.
This is Jenna's 3rd and last year to attend LLA. I have watched her grown and become a leader. The 1st year she went as a basic. The ride home she didn't talk and sleep all the way. Last year she went as a cadre. She was awarded the outstanding cadre leader award. She wasn't as tired but had lost her voice from keeping basic's in line and call jodies all week. So it was a quiet ride home. This year she was laughing and talked most of the way home. She only nodded off once. This is a great program and the kids really seem to enjoy it. They make friends from all over and represent their school.