Sunday, August 24, 2014

Color Rave

We went out and volunteered last night for the Color Rave.
It was a 5k that was done at night that had color, foam, and glowing bubbles.
We threw color at all the runners and had a ball.
we are a little orange still but it was a great family fun night

JROTC feeding the Vets

At least twice a year our JROTC group like to go out and help feed the Vets.  Yesterday they cooked and served 87 vets.  It is a great joy to see the kids helping and see the smile they bring to the Vets.
The best support you can show is caring for those that served us.

1st day of school

Here is the twin's 1st day of senior year with their little sister Sam.
it is so hard to believe they have grown so much
June 13th is going to come to soon

Distinguished Young Women of Buncombe County

Jenna took part in the Distinguished Young Women of Buncombe County program this summer.  It was a great program and even though Jenna didn't place in the top 3 I feel she did accomplished much more.  It is all about getting out of your box and showing the world who you really are and she did 125 %. There were 11 other girls in this program from schools all around our county.  She made new friends and shined that night. 
In the past 2 months they learned dance routine, went through mock interviews, and practiced self expression.  She learned and choreograph a flag routine for her talent part of the program.  Her song was Bibbidi-Bobbidi-boo.  Jenna made her flag, hemmed her dress, and made her own jewelry.
The morning of the program she had to go to in and interview with a panel of 6 adults.  They asked her about her future plans as well as her thoughts on current affairs.
The night started off with all the girls with an opening number showing off their school spirits.
Then they came out and introduced themselves.
Next was the fitness part of the program.
Then last they had to answer a question that would describe them and the out look of the world.
I couldn't be prouder of her and how she well she did.
This is a great program and we are looking forward to supporting it for years to come.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

pictures, pictures, and more pictures

I started getting the twins senior pictures taken about a month ago.  We have a bunch taken and I know there will be tons more in the next 10 months. A friend of mine, Crystal, came out and took some barn pictures.  This barn has been in my family for over 125 yrs and will be coming down this month so I needed these pictures.  Then my cousin came up and took some of the girls in and around the town and the parkway.  Last week I took Jenna down to Pooler GA to take some JROTC pictures in the Mighty Eight.  My Grandaddy was part of the Mighty Eight working on planes during WWII.  This week the girls took their school pictures.  Cap and gown, casual ones, and the drape pictures.  I want to click every single special moment they do until June.

and count down begins

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Western Carolina color guard track

Jenna survived 5 days of color guard camp.  There was a lot of dancing, many steps, and countless tosses during this week.  The camp was held on Western Carolina University campus.  They got to sleep in the dorms and eat at the cafeteria.  There were 459 students at the camp.  In the color guard track there were local  schools as well as out of state students totaling 49 campers. 
They started each day at 8am for breakfast and ended it with lights out at 11pm.  They played games, had a dance one night and on Tuesday Carolina Crown came and played for them.  Carolina Crown is a drum corp band that placed World Champion International 2013.  
Today we got to see the showcase that spotlight all the tracks.  We got to see the drum majors, brass and woodwinds, 2 drum lines, and the important track the color guard.
that is Jenna in the orange shorts
Jenna is using the hours for her senior project and a few new tosses for this coming marching  band season. 
She did sleep all the way home after getting her hamburger and large sweet tea.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Western Carolina Summer Symposium

We took Jenna today to Western Carolina University for a 5 day color guard camp.  The Pride of the Mountains Marching band is hosting this summer camp.  This week will be packed full  of life changing experiences and building meaningful relationships all through the outstanding power of music.  During this week Jenna will learn choreography in flag, rifle, and body/dance.  The goal of this camp is to have students leave as better colorguard performers and leaders in their own guard program.  Jenna is also using this as part of her senior project.  She is working on choreographing a part of a song for  TC guard this coming marching band season.  She hopes this camp will help her learn new steps and ideas that can be used.